As one of the leading landlord’s rights firms in Lake County, Illinois, we have spent a great deal of time lately addressing client questions about the statewide moratorium on the filing of eviction cases and the enforcement of eviction orders. Our Governor has enacted a blanket moratorium applicable to all residential properties regardless of circumstances with a very limited carve out for cases involving health and welfare of occupants. In our opinion, these orders are illegal and a violation of the Governor’s 30 day emergency powers. Regardless, the Lake County courts are honoring the moratorium and no evictions are taking place. We believe that landlords should be allowed to file their cases and present their reason for eviction to a judge. If the tenant has not lost a job or otherwise been affected by the pandemic, they should still be evicted. The current blanket moratorium has allowed tenants to abuse their landlord’s rights. The local sheriff’s refusal to evict anyone, even in commercial cases, has only made it worse. It’s time for the due process and constitutional rights of landlords to be recognized and to stop using Covid as an excuse to harm otherwise hardworking, decent property owners.