Summer 2002


With our country at war against terrorism, an out of touch California judge recently declared the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional because of its reference to God. No wonder our legal system has such a damaged reputation. Our country was built on a moral foundation which emanates from our religious institutions. Members of our firm stand proudly in the courtrooms that have taken to reciting the Pledge each morning in protest of the California ruling. We will continue to do our small part to stand up for what is right and in our client’s best interests. We will never take a case that we do not believe in just to make money or to make a name for ourselves.

Bond & Associates, P.C.

Summer Newsletter 2002

In this issue…

What to Do if You Have Been Injured
Meet Our Staff
Areas of Practice


Anyone who is injured on the job or by the negligence of others has a lot of questions. How will my medical bills get paid? Will I be compensated for my lost wages? Who pay for the damage to my car and/or other personal property?
When you are injured, your only worry should be getting the best medical treatment possible and making a speedy recovery. You shouldn’t have to deal with insurance adjusters, police investigators, the other parties and their representatives, etc. With that in mind, the following are some do’s and don’ts we recommend any time you are injured while working or through the acts or omissions of others.


  • Get the best medical treatment possible.
  • Speak with the police or emergency personnel at the scene about what happened. Be honest. Get a copy of the incident report from the investigating department as soon as it is available.
  • If you own the vehicle involved in the auto accident, notify the insurance company that covered it. You have a contractual obligation to speak to them freely about what happened.
  • If injured on the job, notify your employer as soon as possible and ask for information as to the name, address, phone number and claim number of their insurance company.
  • Notify your medical insurance company, HMO or PPO about the accident. Make sure your doctor has that information as well.
  • Make sure your employer has some idea about how long you will be off work. Review whether you have short term or long term disability insurance that might pay your wages while you recover.
  • Obtain legal counsel as soon as practical. Our firm will make home or hospital visits if necessary. Get the insurance adjusters and investigators off your back and let us deal with them.
  • Refer as many inquiries about the case as possible to your attorney.


  • Do not talk to insurance adjusters or investigators for the other driver or responsible party. They have been trained to manipulate people and gather evidence designed to avoid or minimize liability.
  • Do not admit partial or full fault for what occurred. Personal injury law is very complex and you may not be aware of which acts or omissions constitute negligence. Let your attorney explain the law to you.
  • If injured on the job, do not seek treatment with the company clinic or doctor. They will not provide the best care and will try to rush you back to work.
  • Beware of those law firms that have “scouts” in the hospital or send direct mail pieces to your home. They are motivated strictly by greed and may not look out for your best interests. Illinois law allows you to fire without compensation any lawyer retained within 5 days of the accident so long as certain conditions are met. We can help you terminate an ambulance chaser if necessary.
  • Avoid chiropractic treatment even though it helps many people. Our legal system rarely, if ever, grants fair compensation for those who seek treatment with chiropractors or other non-traditional providers of medical care.

For your convenience, our firm provides a questionnaire which lists much of the information we need to handle your personal injury or worker’s compensation claim. It can be downloaded from our web site at or it can be mailed or faxed to you by request directed to (847) 599-9101.


TED BOND, JR. is the founder of the Law Offices of Thaddeus M. Bond, Jr. & Associates, P.C. A licensed Illinois attorney since May 1991, Ted has concentrated his practice in the areas of real estate law, civil litigation, worker’s compensation claims and personal injury law. Ted cares about his clients and promises prompt, courteous service.

Over his career, Ted has handled thousands of real estate transactions, successfully completing the transfer of all manner of property. As house counsel for the first and still one of the largest title insurance agencies in Illinois, Ted has an unsurpassed knowledge of the finer points of real estate law.

Ted began his legal career as house counsel for a large national insurance company. Since 1995, he has been engaged in private practice based in Lake County, Illinois. He has tried dozens of cases to verdict before judges, juries and administrative courts throughout Illinois. Ted also has vast experience before the Appellate Courts of Illinois. In 1998, he argued before the Illinois Supreme Court, a rare experience for the small firm practitioner.

Let Ted and his firm put their experience to work for you.

If you are receiving this newsletter, one or more of the members of our firm has represented you in a past legal matter or dispute and we thank you for your business. Were you satisfied with the service you received and the results we obtained? Did you feel that our fees were fair and reasonable? If so, please feel free to refer our firm to your friends, family and acquaintances. We strive to make our clients happy and nothing says thank you better than repeat business or a referral.


Our firm handles a wide variety of cases. While we may have helped you in one area of the law, you may not be aware that we also handle:

  • Real estate law
    • Residential closings
    • Commercial closings
    • Landlord representation
    • Title disputes and litigation
  • Family law
    • Divorce
    • Child support
    • Custody/Visitation
    • Paternity
    • Adoption
    • Orders of protection
    • Prenuptial agreements
  • Personal Injury
    • Motor vehicle accidents
    • Slip and fall
    • Dog bites
    • Products Liability
    • Medical Malpractice
    • Wrongful Death
  • Worker’s compensation
  • Civil litigation
  • Wills and trusts
  • Small business formation and representation
  • Criminal Law and Traffic Violations: Although we do not handle these types of cases, we can refer you to competent legal counsel


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* All indicated fields must be completed.
Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

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Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed


Waukegan office by appointment only.

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