After unfairly barring almost all residential evictions for nearly a year and a half (under a misguided belief that evictions would somehow spread Covid-19 but that moving voluntarily would not), the Governor of Illinois finally lifted all moratoriums in the fall of 2021. This has resulted in a large number of eviction cases being filed, mostly against tenants who took unfair advantage of the blanket prohibitions that were in place for far too long. While there is no longer a prohibition on the filing of new cases, landlords are still being abused by a system that moves far too slow. Many landlords are forced to mediation by the court, resulting in further delays in completing their cases. Promises of rental relief may or may not come to fruition. The Lake County Sheriff ignores court orders and refuses to assign sufficient personnel to enforce possession rulings. Even when a judge orders a tenant to leave in a week or two, the Sheriff ignores his statutory obligation and will not make a deputy available to go to the property for at least two months. Bottom line: residential evictions which could be completed in roughly 6 weeks before the pandemic are now taking anywhere from 3-4 months. Judgments for unpaid rent are harder to collect than ever before. Every eviction filing is now sealed so landlords won’t know a tenant’s bad history when they apply for new housing. If you have a bad tenant, don’t delay. Get your case started now so you can get back control of the property you own. Whenever possible, try to work out a resolution with that tenant to get them out of the property. Feel free to contact us if you need assistance with a property located in Lake County, Illinois.